Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pizza with Jalepenos requires love!

Well it was a typical Saturday night in our home. Me and the wife and kids rented us a movie and ordered a couple of pizzas. Nothing fancy just a small local joint that's not very well known. They make a descent pie for southwest standards. It most likely would be the horror of any east coast person but hey it kept us and most importantly my lovely wife from having to cook. Years ago I worked for Little Caesars for a couple of years and learned how to make what I thought was a descent pie as well. One of the things I love on my pizza is jalapenos. However caution must be taken by the pie maker. Usually jalapenos are kept chilled on the make line were the pizzas are put together. They are many times also kept in the same vinegar that they been in since the factory. Now here is where caution on the pie maker must come in. When applying the jalapenos you can't just dip into the container and throw them on the pie. If you do you pick so much jalapeno juice that the pie might end up too hot to eat. Now I know what I'm talking about I can eat some of the hottest salsa in the Southwest and not even blink an eye. So you pie builders out there apply those jalapenos with love!

1 comment:

Lynne Campbell said...

I love jalepenos . I know what you mean...we have made some that would take your breath away...but they are always finished....We may have blisters on our lips but not pizza is

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